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Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations

Complete List of CGEs

CGE1a-j CGE2a-e CGE3a-f CGE4a-h CGE5a-h CGE6a-e CGE7a-j
A Discerning Believer Formed in the Catholic Faith Community:
CGE1a Illustrates a basic understanding of the saving story of our Christian faith
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept:
CGE1b Participates in the sacramental life of the church and demonstrates an understanding of the centrality of the Eucharist to our Catholic story
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept:
CGE1c Actively reflects on God's Word as communicated through the Hebrew and Christian scriptures
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept:
CGE1d Develops attitudes and values founded on Catholic social teaching and acts to promote social responsibility, human solidarity and the common good
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept:
CGE1e Speaks the language of life... "recognizing that life is an unearned gift and that a person entrusted with life does not own it but that one is called to protect and cherish it." (Witnesses to Faith)
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept:
CGE1f Seeks intimacy with God and celebrates communion with God, others and creation through prayer and worship
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept:
CGE1g Understands that one's purpose or call in life comes from God and strives to discern and live out this call throughout life's journey
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept:
CGE1h Respects the faith traditions, world religions and the life-journeys of all people of good will
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept:
CGE1i  Integrates faith with life
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept:
CGE1j Recognizes that "sin, human weakness, conflict and forgiveness are part of the human journey" and that the cross, the ultimate sign of forgiveness is at the heart of redemption (Witnesses to Faith)
  Catholic Theme: Anchor Concept: